Get ready for training with JustfitMe and Ace

How does a training session look like with JustfitMe and JustfitMe Ace ? In a nutshell, it is super easy and unbelievably efficient! You can combine almost all kinds of bodyweight exercises into your workout routine. It can be strength training, Tabata, HIIT or even massage mode at the end.
Watch the video and find out more or read the abstract below!
Working out outdoors or in your living room? Whichever you prefer!
The JustfitMe EMS system makes it possible to integrate almost all kinds of bodyweight exercises into your new workout routine. No matter if you wish to go outdoors or work out in your home, your small and lightweight JustfitMe kit will be your favourite workout buddy.
Each activity needs a different EMS configuration to help you achieve your goals. Let me show you now some of the basic exercises you can perform depending on the training program you choose. Whether you are experienced or beginner, we suggest you to go through our pre set training plan.
Different versions of strength training with the personal EMS Kit
During strength training we focus on the performance of physical exercises which are designed to improve strength and endurance. It is often associated with the use of weights but can take a variety of different forms. Squat, lounge, overhead squat, chest press, push up, lat pull down, rowing, biceps curl, triceps extension, AB crunch or plank. Increase your strength, reach your limits. You can do it!
20 seconds of training, 10 seconds of resting. Are you ready?
Prepare yourself for Tabata combined with EMS: push yourself as hard as you can for 20 seconds and rest for 10 seconds. Complete eight sets of each exercise. Mountain climber, high knee or boxing are excellent exercises activating several muscle groups.
Do you prefer HIIT? Alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods, until too exhausted to continue is the perfect choice to increase your VO2. Squat, push up, plank, overhead press, running or boxing combined with EMS can be challenging for endurance athletes as well.
Well-deserved massage mode for a proper ending of your workout
Bet you will love the massage mode, the program that helps your muscles relax and recover. Combine it with some stretching exercises or just lie down, relax and enjoy.