Warranty conditions
1. Implied warranty
1.1. User is entitled to enforce implied warranty claim against Provider in case of defective performance according to the Civil Code.
1.2. User can require repair or replacement, except for situations when it is impossible to fulfill the request chosen by the User, or it would mean disproportionate additional costs comparing to other options. If User did not, or was not entitled to require repair or replacement of the product, they can choose to be compensated proportionately, or have the product repaired, or repair it themselves at the Provider’s expense. In extremis User can decide to cancel the contract
1.3. User can change from their chosen implied warranty to another option. However in this case the expenses of this change are to be paid by the user, except from justifiable cases, or if the Provider gave rise to the change.
1.4. User is obliged to inform the Provider of the defect immediately, but no later than 2 months after detecting it. User cannot validate implied warranty rights after the two-year limitation period.
1.5. Within six months after performance request for implied warranty has no other condition than reporting defect, if User can prove that the product was provided by Provider. If the defect is reported more than six months after performance, User is obliged to prove that the detected fault existed at the time of performance.
1.6. User can claim warranty by sending a letter via post or via email to Provider. The written report shall contain the followings:
- Name, address and email address of User
- Name of the product covered by warranty claim
- Time of registration
- Time of reporting defect
- Description of defect
- Warranty claim to be enforced by User
2. Product Warranty
2.1. In case of a defect User can choose to enforce implied warranty or product warranty.
2.2. As a product warranty claim User can only request repairing or replacing the defected product.
2.3. A product is considered defected, if it does not comply with the quality requirements in force at the time of placing on the market, or if it does not have the features that are in the description of the manufacturer.
2.4. User can claim product warranty within two years after placing the product on the market. After this period User loses this eligibility.
2.5. Product warranty can only be claimed from the manufacturer or distributor of the product. In case of claiming product warranty User has to prove the defect of the product.
2.6. Manufacturer (distributor) shall only be exempt from liability of product warranty, if they can prove that: the product was not manufactured and distributed within their business activity, and the defect could not be recognized according to the current state of science and technology, or the defect of the product was caused by applying an official regulation.
2.7. To be exempt from liability manufacturer (distributor) shall prove one of the abovementioned reasons.
2.8. User cannot enforce to claim implied warranty and product warranty in the same time for the same defect. However after successfully validating their product warranty claim and having the product repaired or replaced User can claim implied warranty for the repaired or replaced product against the Manufacturer.
2.9. The warranty applies to the latest Android and iOS operating system available at the time of purchase.
2.10. Software compatibility: our current controllers have been tested with Android 13.0 and iOS 16.0 operating systems, which are covered by our warranty conditions.
3. Cable warranty
3.1. Justfit Technology LLC provides a 3-day replacement guarantee for the cables in the garment, based on which the customer has the right to request a replacement product within 3 days of receiving the product if he / she experiences any defects in connection with the product.
3.2. In addition, we provide a 6-month service guarantee. This means that if there is a quality or manufacturing defect in the cable, it is free to repair.
3.3. In the first step, we examine the cable in each case, during which the source of the error is determined. If the defect is caused by improper use or external physical influence, the cost of the repair shall be borne by the customer.
It takes 1-3 business days to repair the cable.
3.4. IMPORTANT: after the repair, the cable will lose its water resistance, so it can no longer be washed with the cloth, it must be removed before washing the cloth. ' Indicate if there is a comment or part to change.
4. Guarantee
4.1. Provider shall take one year guarantee for all Justfit products.
4.2. User can require repair or replacement, except for situations when it is impossible to fulfill the request chosen by the User, or it would mean disproportionate additional costs comparing to other options. If User did not, or was not entitled to require repair or replacement of the product, they can choose to be compensated proportionately, or have the product repaired, or repair it themselves at the Provider’s expense. In extremis User can decide to cancel the contract
4.3. User can change from their chosen implied warranty to another option. However in this case the expenses of this change are to be paid by the user, except from justifiable cases, or if the Provider gave rise to the change.
4.4. guarantee claim can be inforced within the guarantee period. If Provider does not fulfill their obligation upon the User’s request within appropriate deadline, the guarantee claim can be enforced in court even if the guarantee period has expired. Failing to comply with this deadline will result in forfeiture.
4.5. Provider can only be exempt of the guarantee obligation if they prove that the cause of defect was generated after performance.
4.6. User shall not enforce implied warranty and guarantee claim in the same time for the same product. However User is entitled to the rights rising from guarantee independently from implied warranty or product warranty authorizations.